Living on a subtropical island, I will not get to photograph any snowflakes this year. I wish I had known these tips when we lived in WA. Hope all of you who are enjoying the snow and cold can use some of these tips to capture the beauty of nature!!
This was taken two years ago when we lived in WA and had a ton of snow. Way before I learned anything about photography. Wish I had known these tips so I could have posted a cool snowflake for y’all :O)
How timely, we just had a major blizzard. 30″ of snow, 65 mph winds and over 5′ snow drifts. People have been stuck in their cars on the highway for 2 days now. Luckly, I’m home in the warmth of my home.
I was, also, going to ask you if you read the book “Snowflake Bentley”. Interesting how he photographed the flakes!
Perfect! Glad you are home safe and sound!! No, I haven’t read that book but I find snowflake photography so beautiful!! Hope you are able to capture some :O)
We have had a decent amount of snow here in the last few days, but it’s that “bitter cold” that was mentioned that has kept me inside… And it wasn’t even that cold here in Virginia!
How I don’t miss the bitter cold! Hope it warms up a smidge so you can take some photos though :O) Hope you are having a great vacation!